or has anyone seen the rum
Published on February 11, 2007 By tawoods In WinCustomize Talk
I be startin this 'ere new adventure story of the Twisted Sister, she is a stout ship and tru' to tha wind. Last she sailed we foun' ourselfs stuck in the dreadin Triangle sailin' circles 'round ourselves due to a spaghetti incident an tha chart. We were makin' for the legendary  Stardock an all the riches and grandeur that abounds thar. Capt'n starkers did us proud to escape the Triangle and set us once agin to fair winds....

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 21, 2007
Arrr me 'arties, wimin wit' muscles, just right for swabbing decks arrr

That wot be cabin boys fer....now snap to it or me cat-o-nine 'll be guidin' ye t'wards tha plank
on Feb 21, 2007
wimin wit' muscles,

t be cabin boys fer....now snap to it or me cat-o-nine 'll be guidin' ye t'wards tha plank

Arrrrghh, a battle o' tha sexes, that wot I likes ta see....n' when them thar wimmin 'aves bigger muscles than ye, Fuzzy, mebbe we'd bess be gittin tha cook ta whip ye up sum 'umble pie.
on Feb 21, 2007
we'd bess be gittin tha cook ta whip ye up sum 'umble pie.

I spect that thar be a triple helpin' fer ol' Fuzzy and 'is sehlat too
on Feb 21, 2007
alright me buckos I be needin to see that little eye in the middle of Fuzzys head.Time be gettin close to be plannin your escape. I just needs me a bit of gun powder and me little lead ball.
on Feb 21, 2007
Fuzzy with a third eye on his face (what's that saying about a womans scorn...tsk, tsk, tsk)
on Feb 22, 2007
It looks like he be hiding well!
on Feb 23, 2007
It looks like he be hiding well!

mabe he is under the chairs
on Feb 23, 2007

arrr get scrubbin' those decks ya lazy wenches arrr

'tis the only thing they be good fer, that an't be mascot on front o' ye ship arrr

on Feb 23, 2007
arrr get scrubbin' those decks ya lazy wenches arrr

'tis the only thing they be good fer, that an't be mascot on front o' ye ship arrr

that thar Fuzzy alien fella sher be knowin' how ta pour tha fuel on a fire, I be giv'n 'im that
on Feb 23, 2007
arrr get scrubbin' those decks ya lazy wenches arrr

Arrr, thar he be!! Out of hidin' be 'e, Fuzzy....arrrgh, get back ta work or ye'll be walkin' tha plank

on Feb 25, 2007
that thar Fuzzy alien fella sher be knowin' how ta pour tha fuel on a fire, I be giv'n 'im that

Arrggghh, that he do....an' me finks them wimmin'll be givin' it to 'im soon as well ....a fair ol' lashin' wiv tha cat o' nine that be.

'Opefully mistress Jenny'll be back soon, tha wimmin' shure be needin' 'er expertise ta 'elp batten down Fuzzy's wayward tongue.
on Feb 25, 2007

Mistress Jennifer be of no use to 'e, she be in irons, cuffed and stuffed an' no mistake.

Or should that be ironing... arrr, that be 'er rightful place, arrrr

on Feb 25, 2007
cant believe no one has said.. Poop Deck   
on Feb 25, 2007
cant believe no one has said.. Poop Deck

that thar 'ill be the fianl restin' place of tha likes that challenge tha wimmin aboard this 'ere vessel...they be here fer thar fightin' as well as thar luvin capabilities...(hands clwoods her cutlass and grabs a bottle of rum ta watch)
on Feb 26, 2007
Mistress Jennifer be of no use to 'e, she be in irons, cuffed and stuffed an' no mistake.

That be no good 't-all....them thar wot 'as 'er 'ad bett'r let 'er go real quick like, or them'll be facin' tha wrath o' tha Twisted sister n' 'er crew.

Or should that be ironing... arrr, that be 'er rightful place

If she be ta ironin', p'raps her could do yer shirts wiv extra starch fer 'e....ta stiffen up yer backbone enough ta give ye tha courage ta pick on more than these 'ere wimmin o' ours.

hands clwoods her cutlass and grabs a bottle of rum ta watch

Cap'n starkers thinks e'll be joinin' ye...me loves a good spectator sport wiv a bit o' blood n' gore. Missed the gladiatorial days o' Rome, so I'll pour meself a cuppa an' find a comfy seat fer ta watch tha blood lettin'

(Pssst, pssst....Troy, d'ya think us oughta give Fuzzy a flintlock, a dagger an' an extra cutlass ta make it a fair fight? )
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