or has anyone seen the rum
Published on February 11, 2007 By tawoods In WinCustomize Talk
I be startin this 'ere new adventure story of the Twisted Sister, she is a stout ship and tru' to tha wind. Last she sailed we foun' ourselfs stuck in the dreadin Triangle sailin' circles 'round ourselves due to a spaghetti incident an tha chart. We were makin' for the legendary  Stardock an all the riches and grandeur that abounds thar. Capt'n starkers did us proud to escape the Triangle and set us once agin to fair winds....

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 11, 2007
Aye 'n' the Cap'n's one t'follow f'sure, thru all kinds of weather 'n' many an adventure. Only a Tasmanian'll come up w'the courses taken by th' Twisted Sister...
on Feb 11, 2007
aaarrggghh seldom, the Capt'n be a good un fer sher if'n he can ev'r be torn away from his missus an the cabin antics
on Feb 15, 2007
Arr...is it a press-gang we'll be needin' t' round up another crew?!
on Feb 16, 2007
the Capt'n be a good un fer sher if'n he can ev'r be torn away from his missus an the cabin antics

Aye, that be a problem....but 'opefully I'll find them thar handcuff keys n' 'scape 'er wikkid 'n debauched ways yet. Last night she whar tickin' I 'cross me nekkid bum wiv an orstrich feaver n' I near peed meself frum all tha larfin'.

Only a Tasmanian'll come up w'the courses taken by th' Twisted Sister...

I be a Queenslander now....shan't make any dff'rence, tho, us'll still make it ta Stardock in time fer tha Xmas party, if'n tha Doc can stay sober long enuff ta chart us a course that'll not 'ave tha 'elmsman suff'rin' frum vertigo.

tha missus n' I 'll be unpackin' n' settlin' in fer a week or so yet, but I'll try ta git meself on deck at least once a day ta see 'ow ye all be doin'
on Feb 16, 2007

Oi' be thinkin' they all be hiding down in the bilge hehe (evil cackle)

But oi not be knowin' where mistress Jennifer be *innocent expression no 22*

on Feb 16, 2007
Oh no!! Here we go again.
on Feb 16, 2007
on Feb 16, 2007
on Feb 17, 2007
Last night she whar tickin' I 'cross me nekkid bum wiv an orstrich feaver n' I near peed meself frum all tha larfin'.

I be need'n a drink right 'bout now to 'elp with gettin' that thar image outta me head.

heres to ye Fuzzy an yer sherlack (misspelled on purpose, sehlat)

an Seldom, what be 'appenin wit tha one-legged duck...lmao
on Feb 17, 2007
Oh no!! Here we go again.


I be need'n a drink right 'bout now to 'elp with gettin' that thar image outta me head.

Oh my, me too!!
on Feb 17, 2007
Oh no!! Here we go again.

Oh yes....tho it be more like 'still at it' than 'ere we be agin.

I be need'n a drink right 'bout now to 'elp with gettin' that thar image outta me head.

Me three.....make mine tea, white and a coupla valium instead o' sweeteners ta 'elp tha nighmare o' that thar sadistic treatment upon me person go away.

on Feb 17, 2007
on Feb 17, 2007
an Seldom, what be 'appenin wit tha one-legged duck...lmao

Must be spillover from a political thread...

Great t' see th' Cap'n and Mrs. Cap'n back 'n' in charge agin! Aweigh Ho!
Now who's got th' grog, a dottle fer me meerschaum, 'n' a fat prize t' be pickin' o'er?!

on Feb 17, 2007
that thar sadistic treatment upon me person

so Capt'n, would it 'ave been sadistic if'n she 'ad been usin' a diff'rent type of feather

Must be spillover from a political thread...

Now who's got th' grog, a dottle fer me meerschaum, 'n' a fat prize t' be pickin' o'er?!

...to Stardock me mateys
on Feb 18, 2007
must be spillover from a political thread..

Now wot thread would that be...tha one whar thar be menshun of Stardock technology wot picks yer brains fer impure political thoughts?

so Capt'n, would it 'ave been sadistic if'n she 'ad been usin' a diff'rent type of feather

Yep, fer shure....she took sadism lessons frum tha Marquis de Sade's book "Torturin' Thy Spouse". I be waitin' fer tha (much smaller) budgie feathers ta come out next, so's her can drag out tha torture even longer.
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